What is a bath bomb?
Dreamed up by 'Lush' co-founder Mo Constantine in 1989, A bath bomb is a small (or more recently 'larger', round, fizzing ball that reacts with and dissolves in water, the bath bomb releases a pleasant scent. They are often used to add fragrance and colour to baths. Bath bombs can be purchased at many stores, but they are also easy and fun to make at home in your scents and shades, and if used with essential oils rather than fragrance oils, they make a great natural product.
How to make a bath bomb?
Here are all the ingredients you'll need to make a bath bomb;
- 300g Bicarbonate of soda (Sodium bicarbonate)
- 100g Citric Acid
- 100g Epsom Salt (Optional)
- 10g Cream of Tartar
- 30ml Grapeseed Oil (Coconut or Olive Oil will do)
- 2ml Essential Oils (Lavender, Chamomile, Orange etc)
- Few Drops of Food Colouring
- Selection of moulds for Bath Bombs
- Optional - Dried Petals, Lavender etc.
Making bath bombs is a fun and more environmentally friendly way to make your own cosmetics; most of the ingredients you will need can be found in shops or specialist stores; here at Tender Essence, we supply all the ingredients you'll need to make your own bath bombs in the UK - if you're not in the UK, your local stores will have all you need.

To make your Bath Bomb - Recipe for Bath Bomb;
- Mix 300g of Bicarbonate of Soda with 50 drops of your favourite essential oils and the few drops of food colouring together in the mixing bowl using the wooden spoon until fully blended.
- Add 30ml Grapeseed oil and 10g of Cream of Tartar into the mixing bowl.
- Stir thoroughly until fully blended together.
- Stir 100g of Citric Acid into the mixing bowl until fully blended.
- Wet the mixture slightly by adding a few sprays of water at a time from a spray bottle until the mixture holds together when squeezed (a little fizzing is normal). Take care because too much water will make your bath bomb soft and fragile.
- To make your first bath bomb, transfer spoonfuls of the mixture into the mould and press in firmly, slightly overfilling the mould halves - if you are adding any dried petals or seeds, then put some into one side of the mould before adding the mixture.
- Place one half of the filled mould in the palm of one hand, place the other half of the filled mould in your other hand and squeeze them together tightly for 1 minute in a clamp-like grip - If you make lots of these, you can get mould presses to assist.
- After about 1 minute of applying firm pressure, gently keep the bath bomb in the palm of your hand and remove the top half of the mould (do not twist), then carefully remove the other half.
- If the bath bomb doesn't hold its shape or is too difficult to remove, empty the contents back into the bowl, break it up and try again (adding a couple more squirts of water and mixing).
- Wipe mould clean before making another bath bomb.
- Repeat steps 7 to 10 to make further bath bombs.
- Leave in a cool, dry environment - the perfect opportunity for a tea or squash break and have a clean-up.
Bath bomb storage - How to store your bath bombs
The best way to store your bath bombs is to ensure they are stored to prevent oxygen and moisture from getting to them. You are best storing in an airtight container; there are many containers like this; most good food containers will be airtight; you will also want to choose something that is reusable; some suggestions are;

- Glass Jar with Airtight Lid
- Plastic Pot/Box with Airtight Lid
- Resealable or zip lock plastic bags (be sure to re-use them)
- Mylar Zip Lock Bags
- Canning jars like Kilner or similar with rubber seals
The above solutions work great, and really any kind of storage is better than leaving them in the open, but it's best to make the number of bath bombs you will use up in a few weeks and store them in a simple food tub, use them up and make some more!
Bath Bomb Moulds - What mould for bath bombs?
The great thing about making your own bath bombs is that you don't need any specific moulds; you can use anything that's about the right size and shape. Of course, if you want the well-known round bath bomb mould shape, then you will need to buy some proper moulds, and, these are a great thing to have in your craft-making set as proper metal moulds last a long time when cared for properly, take a look at the metal bath home moulds we sell here, we've also got some other suggestions at the bottom of this article.
If you're looking to buy moulds specifically for bath bombs, there are plenty of options out there. You can find silicone moulds in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from the traditional sphere to more intricate designs. There are also plastic moulds available, although these aren't as durable as silicone and can be a bit more tricky to use.
Whichever type of mould you choose, make sure it's clean and dry before you start filling it with your bath bomb mixture. Any moisture at all could cause your mixture to fizz and froth up too much, making it difficult to get into the mould.
How long does a bath bomb last - When does it expire?
Bath bombs usually expire within one year of making them. However, added ingredients like essential oils, oatmeal, petals or seeds can make them go bad faster. If your bath bomb starts to lose its fizz, it's still safe to use (this may happen after six months of being made). But if it looks mouldy or smells bad, you should throw it away as you won't want to be bathing in mould!
Bath Bomb Ingredients UK
Here at Tender Essence, we supply a great range of bath bomb supplies; you can find our full range of bath bomb supplies UK here.

We understand that some of you may like more choices, and that's fine! Below we have a number of items available that we've tested over the years.
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